A view of the Garden looking South. In the left corner is the Summerhouse which is under construction, like this web site!


A view looking West down the line of the wall. This is the vegetable patch. This year we have grown Beans, Potatoes, Radishes, Peas, Beetroot, Onions and Strawberries.

Here we look East at the Apple trees and see the Summer house in the right corner. We also had Beans as wall cover behind the Trees.



Finally a visitor to the Garden this year was a Humming Bird Moth. These Moths are quite rare in England. They have a regular route which they follow each day, so often return to the same garden, at the same time each day. Their favourite flowers are Petunia's. Their bright orange wings are difficult to see because of the speed at which they beat. The wings create an audible "Hum".

The Summer House is taking shape. The first part of the roof is on  The centre part of the roof which will be an apex roof will be built in the spring


The Apex roof on the summerhouse has now been built and the Pergola has also been constructed. However this was not without a question from a neighbour to the Council, to see if we had Planning Permission. Well needless to say we didn't. When the nice man from the council visited he agreed that it came under "Permitted Development" and Planning Permission was not required.

No your eyes are not playing tricks the roof is moving.....

...and here it is at the end of it's travel. This could be describes as Air Conditioning. However for those in the know it is to allow the telescope to see the sky!! The track for the roof was made for us by our good friends at Bengco Engineering, Southampton. Many thanks to John Ross for his help


Yes I know it looks like something from Nasa. It is in fact a Pier on which the telescope will be mounted

There is still a lot of work to do. The roof and timber walls are to be insulated and then covered with a ply wood skin. The wiring has to be done including data cables. A platform has to be built, this will allow some space for storing the garden chairs and the Barbie. \so it will be a Summer house not an Observatory. We would have had to apply for planning permission to build an Observatory but a Summer house is classed as permitted development and no Planning permission is required.

Watch this space as they say.